Connect employees and public to resources that address critical needs and reduce barriers that prevent people from accessing these programs (i.e. 211 materials)
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: IndividualsCorporationsMunicipalitiesEducatorsNonprofitsPhilanthropy
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Fund programs that focus on both parents and children, such as attachment-based treatment for children focused on parent-child relationship.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: CorporationsPhilanthropy
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Advocate for law requiring focus on wellness and primary prevention services both parent and child focused.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: IndividualsMunicipalitiesCorporations
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Develop a system at primary care clinics which includes screening, referrals, and follow-up to determine children at risk regarding basic social-emotional needs.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: Municipalities
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Create a toll-free trauma screening number staffed by social workers with the goal to screen, provide resources and materials, refer to external providers, and provide follow-up services for children exposed to trauma.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: MunicipalitiesNonprofits
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Promote self-care education for educators and providers to address secondary traumatic stress.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: EducatorsNonprofits
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Train early childcare and school teachers on emotional communication, resilience, and positive interactions with children; continue ongoing consultation with teachers.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: EducatorsNonprofits
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Establish or join an early childhood business coalition made of business leaders to educate peers and the public and raise funds.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: MunicipalitiesCorporationsAcademic Skill Development
Strategy: Academic Skill Development
Advocate at state or local level for policies and funding focused on helping students reach important milestones.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: CorporationsEducatorsNonprofitsIndividualsAcademic Skill Development
Strategy: Academic Skill Development
Participate in on-going mentor program with schools or out-of-school providers to engage paired students through one-to-one or group meetings providing social and academic support.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: MunicipalitiesEducatorsAcademic Skill DevelopmentCorporations
Strategy: Academic Skill Development
Connect Employees and Public to Resources
Connect employees and public to resources that address critical needs and reduce barriers that prevent people from accessing these programs (i.e. 211 materials)
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: IndividualsCorporationsMunicipalitiesEducatorsNonprofitsPhilanthropy
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Fund Programs that Focus on Both Parents and Children
Fund programs that focus on both parents and children, such as attachment-based treatment for children focused on parent-child relationship.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: CorporationsPhilanthropy
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Advocate for Primary Prevention Services
Advocate for law requiring focus on wellness and primary prevention services both parent and child focused.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: IndividualsMunicipalitiesCorporations
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Develop a System at Clinics to Determine Children At Risk
Develop a system at primary care clinics which includes screening, referrals, and follow-up to determine children at risk regarding basic social-emotional needs.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: Municipalities
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Create a Toll-Free Trauma Screening Number
Create a toll-free trauma screening number staffed by social workers with the goal to screen, provide resources and materials, refer to external providers, and provide follow-up services for children exposed to trauma.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: MunicipalitiesNonprofits
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Promote Self-Care Education
Promote self-care education for educators and providers to address secondary traumatic stress.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: EducatorsNonprofits
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Resilience Training for Educators
Train early childcare and school teachers on emotional communication, resilience, and positive interactions with children; continue ongoing consultation with teachers.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: EducatorsNonprofits
Strategy: Reducing the Impact of Toxic Stress
Establish or Join an Early Childhood Business Coalition
Establish or join an early childhood business coalition made of business leaders to educate peers and the public and raise funds.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: MunicipalitiesCorporationsAcademic Skill Development
Strategy: Academic Skill Development
Advocate for Policies that Help Students Reach Milestones
Advocate at state or local level for policies and funding focused on helping students reach important milestones.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: CorporationsEducatorsNonprofitsIndividualsAcademic Skill Development
Strategy: Academic Skill Development
Participate in Mentor Programs that Provide Academic Support
Participate in on-going mentor program with schools or out-of-school providers to engage paired students through one-to-one or group meetings providing social and academic support.
Goal: 1
Type of Organization: MunicipalitiesEducatorsAcademic Skill DevelopmentCorporations
Strategy: Academic Skill Development